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jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013

Applets de cálculo utilizando GeoGebra

El autor del proyecto por el que se han desarrollado estas calculadoras es Marc Renault. Es un completo conjunto de applets de utilidad para el aula y que hemos agrupado aquí:


  1. Intuitive Notion of the Limit
  2. Intuitive Notion of the Limit - One-Sided Limits
  3. The Limit Laws
  4. Continuity at a Point
  5. An Important Trig Limit
    = 1
  6. Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change


  1. The Derivative at a Point
  2. The Derivative as a Function
  3. The Derivative of Elementary Functions
  4. Try to Graph the Derivative Function
  5. The Derivative of Exponential Functions
  6. Identify the Derivative Function
  7. Derivatives and Graph Transformations
  8. Identify a Function and its First and Second Derivatives
  9. Identify an Antiderivative Function
  10. The Power Rule - Derivatives of Polynomial Functions
  11. Intuitive Notion of the Chain Rule
  12. Implicit Differentiation
  13. Derivatives of Inverse Functions

Aplicaciones para derivadas

  1. First derivative test - Reconstruct from its First Derivative
  2. Second derivative test - Reconstruct from its Second Derivative
  3. Derivatives and the Shape of a Graph
  4. Related Rates Problems: Oil Slick -- A Falling Ladder -- A Conical Tank -- Driving Car -- Lamppost -- Two Trains -- Searchlight -- Rocket Launch
  5. Optimization Problems: Bending a Wire -- Rectangle Inscribed in a Parabola -- Three Pens -- Getting Power to an Island -- Another Wire Problem -- Function and Rectangle 1 -- Function and Rectangle 2 -- Triangle Circumscribing a Circle --

La integral

  1. Introduction to Integration - The Exercise Bicycle Problem:   Part 1     Part 2
  2. Introduction to Integration - Gaining Geometric Intuition
  3. The Riemann Sum
  4. The Area Function
  5. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part I (Theoretical Part)
  6. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Part II (Practical Part)

Recursos adicionales

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